Social Security Professionals
Disability Lawyers who Provide Free Consultation
How can you have the best chance of winning your SSD SSI Disability claim? If you cannot work due to a physical or mental condition or both, you deserve a Free Consultation with the best Michigan Social Security disability SSDI SSD SSI attorney or lawyer that you can find immediately. Call a top Michigan Social Security Disability Lawyer for a Free Consultation and Free Advice for your best chance of winning your Social Security Disability SSD or SSI Application or Appeal Hearing in Michigan. During your Free Consultation, our best Disability Lawyers and best SSI Lawyers will listen to you carefully and provide the most effective free tips and free advice on how to win your SSDI or SSI claim at no cost to you. See what others have said about our top disability lawyers in reviews, testimonials, and Better Business Bureau commentary with A+ Highest Rating.
Call for a Free Consultation with a Disability Lawyer with the Highest A+ Rating
What should you look for when you want to hire the best SSD SSI Disability Lawyer? Other Social Security representative falsely claim they are Top Rated or that they are #1 or the best disability lawyer when in fact they haven’t even been rated. Social Security Professionals has an actual top A+ best rating from the Better Business Bureau. Our top A+ Rating is the highest possible rating with the Better Business Bureau. View Our BBB Rating Here. We provide Free Consultation and Free Advice with the Best Disability Lawyer at our office. Although A+ Rated Disability Lawyer Donald Peters prefers to practice in Michigan, disability Claimants from all over the United States frequently call to hire Mr. Peters to win their SSDI and SSI claims. Mr. Peters is a member of the National Organization of Social Security Claimants’ Representatives (NOSSCR.ORG).
Be sure to visit our Blog page which contains numerous articles on various disabling physical and mental disorders with helpful tips on how we can win your SSD and SSI claims.
You Need No Money to Hire a Top Rated Disability Lawyer at Social Security Professionals
Do you need money to hire a disability lawyer? If you hire us and win, we are paid directly by the Social Security Administration. We are paid on a percentage fee basis out of past due benefits only if you win. That is the best fee arrangement available as you need absolutely no money to hire the best Disability Attorney for your situation. If you lose, there are absolutely no attorney fees. As always, whether or not you hire a Disability Lawyer at Social Security Professionals, we will always provide you with the best Free Consultation and Free Advice from our Best Disability Lawyer available to win your SSD SSI or SSDI claim.
Simply stated, you need no money to hire a top rated Disability Attorney at Social Security Professionals and our consultation with a Disability Lawyer is always free. Call today for a Free Consultation to discuss your SSD or SSI case with our best Disability Lawyers for your greatest opportunity to win your claim.
Get a Free Consultation with a Top Rated Social Security Disability Lawyer regarding your SSD or SSI Appeal
Our office consists of the highest rated Social Security Disability Lawyers and Attorneys who provide Free Consultation and handle Social Security Disability SSD SSI SSDI hearings and appeals throughout Michigan, Ohio, and other states. Hearing offices are located in Livonia, Oak Park, Detroit, Lansing, Flint, and Grand Rapids, Michigan. We also handle hearings in Toledo Ohio, Indiana, and have handled hearing as far as Arizona, Chicago, and Texas.
No matter where your hearing will be held, you can call Social Security Professionals for a Free Consultation with our best Disability Lawyers 24/7 to discuss your case and prepare for your disability hearing. During your Free Consultation, we will lay the ground work to develop the best strategy to help you win your SSD or SSI application or disability appeal hearing.
During our first of many Free Consultations we provide, Claimants often ask if they need an attorney to apply. Many attorneys will tell you that you do need an attorney to apply but that is simply not true. However, a qualified disability lawyer can speed the application process and increase your likelihood of success. See our discussion of Disability Application Lawyer in your blog.
Do you Need an Attorney to Apply for Disability Benefits?
Although we can file your SSD application for you, the honest answer is that you do not need an attorney to apply as long as you can read and write. However, whether you have already filed for or are considering filing for disability benefits, you should speak with a disability lawyer for free as soon as possible. Take advantage of a Free Consultation for your Disability Application. Don’t miss out on this extremely important free opportunity to win your SSD or SSI case. Call a Top Rated Disability SSDI SSI Lawyer with the Highest A+ Rating from the Better Business Bureau to complete your Social Security Disability SSDI SSI application.
Call For a Free Consultation with a Disability Lawyer to Develop your Case Strategy to Win Your Disability Case
You will need to discuss and develop a case strategy designed to maximize your chances of winning your claim. You can discuss your disability case strategy for free by consulting a Disability Lawyer at Social Security Professionals. Many unassisted applicants fail as they move forward blindly with no understanding of the Social Security decision making process. Claimants lack the necessary knowledge and understanding of what they need to prove to win their case. Claimants can prevent these mistakes by taking advantage of a Free Consultation with a competent and highly experienced Disability Attorney at Social Security Professionals. The biggest mistake disability applicants make is completing an activities questionnaire called a FUNCTION REPORT – ADULT discussed below, without the assistance of a disability attorney.
During the application process, you do not need an attorney to apply contrary to what some disability attorneys and representative may tell you. There is, however, one document that you will need assistance with during the application process. It is imperative that you call a Disability Lawyer for Free Consultation regarding the FUNCTION REPORT – ADULT before you even attempt to complete it. The Function Report is an 8 or 9 page questionnaire about all of your daily activities. The Social Security Administration never uses the questionnaire to grant benefits. It is only used against you to deny your claim. Once you complete it and submit it, you are stuck with it all the way from the decision on your application through your hearing and any subsequent appeals. Never attempt to answer the Adult Function Report by yourself. Always consult with an attorney for free before you complete this questionnaire.
On its face, the FUNCTION REPORT – ADULT questionnaire looks like the easiest document of the bunch to complete. In reality, however, it is one of the most lethal weapons that the Social Security Administration utilizes to deny your claim. It is a trap for the unwary. This questionnaire is formally called FUNCTION REPORT – ADULT form SSA-3373-BK. You can find a copy of it on the Social Security Administration website here. Never attempt to answer this form without first consulting a very experienced Disability Lawyer. Call Social Security Professionals for a Free Consultation and we will discuss the Adult Function Report with you for free so that you can avoid fatal mistakes.
Although some disability firms will tell you that you should hire an attorney to apply for disability benefits, this is not entirely true. The truth is that the application process involves completion of several multi-page forms. The forms are very long but simple. If you can read and write, you should have no problem completing the application by yourself although it is time consuming. This matter is discussed in more detail here: Go to Best Disability Lawyers. Although you need not hire a disability lawyer to apply, you should consult with one for free early in the process and prior to your application if possible. You can call Social Security Professionals for a Free Consultation with a disability lawyer 24/7. (248) 549-3485. We can help you answer your Adult Function Report for Free.
We can Complete your Disability Application For You or We can Help You Do It Yourself
Beware of any Disability Attorney or firm who tells you applying for disability is a complicated process. That is simply not true. Completing a disability application is relatively easy and you can discuss this with a Disability Lawyer during our first Free Consultation. The forms ask for information that is within your own knowledge. You should almost always file for both SSDI and SSI. You may not qualify for one or the other but it is best to let the Social Security Administration tell you that rather than to not apply for one and risk losing benefits.
There Are Several ways to Apply for Disability Benefits
There are several methods of applying. Whichever method you choose, you should speak for free with a well trained Disability Lawyer to see which method is best for you. At Social Security Professionals, we can file your disability application for you if you wish or we can tell you how you can do it yourself during a free consultation.
One way to file your disability application after consulting for free with a good Disability Lawyer is to simply visit your local Social Security (SSA) office. The SSA office may assist you with filing the application or they may provide you with the forms and tell you to complete and return them. Or they may schedule you to apply by phone. If you call them, they may send you the forms.
More recently, SSA offices are directing the Claimants to use computers at the SSA office to file the disability application. Whichever way you choose to apply, call Social Security Professionals and speak with a Disability Lawyer for free before you apply to eliminate any potential mistakes. During your Free Consultation, we can determine which application method is best for you.
Some people may not have sufficient earnings to apply for SSD. If disabled, however, they will need to apply for SSI. Currently, you cannot apply for SSI online. You will have to go into the Social Security office to apply for SSI. It may also be possible that you could obtain disability off of somebody else’s earnings record but Social Security will be able to tell you that when you visit their office.
Probably the most convenient way for most people to apply for disability is by using their own computer at home. Always speak for free with a Disability Lawyer first before applying with this method or with any other method. Simply go online and complete the online forms from your computer. You will be provided with a re-entry number. Since the appeal forms are quite long, you may not be able to complete the forms in a single session. It may require several sessions. But, you can work on your application at your leisure and back out of it anytime if you want to take a rest and resume it another day. You can also use this method while you are taking advantage of a Free Consultation with a Disability Attorney. While you are working on your application, simply call and consult with Social Security Professionals for free as much as you wish with any questions regarding your disability application. Although SSA denies most disability applications, it is possible to win on the application.
Your greatest chance of winning on your application will be through the use of qualified disability lawyer. Although you need not hire an attorney to file your social security disability application, you should call our disability firm for a Free Consultation with a real disability application lawyer before you file your disability application. A disability application lawyer from our office can help avoid common pitfalls and mistakes that cause disability denials.
When Applying for Disability, you will usually Apply for Both SSD and SSI
One common mistake that we see people make when they apply online for SSD is that they forget to also apply for SSI. This mistake can be prevented simply by consulting for free with a Disability Attorney before you apply. Remember, you cannot apply for SSI online. The online SSD application will ask people if they wish to also apply for Supplement Security Income benefits most commonly referred to as SSI. The online application instructions will also advise that if you also wish to file for SSI, you will have to go to the local Social Security Office and apply for SSI before a certain date.
In other words, you can complete your SSD application online but you will have to go into the Social Security office to complete your application for SSI. Do both. Finish your SSD application online and then go into the local Social Security office and tell them you also wish to apply for SSI. People often miss this instruction or simply forget to do so but failure to do so can result in a loss of benefits. Consult a Disability Lawyer for free at Social Security Professionals to avoid these simple mistakes.
After applying online, Social Security will send you your SSD application because they need a wet signature from you. Sign and deliver it by hand to the Social Security office. Too many people have complained that they have mailed applications and correspondence into SSA but SSA later claims they never received it. Remember, apply for SSI at the local SSA office.
When you apply online, make sure you are actually going to the Social Security Administration website. Some people mistakenly go to an attorney or representative’s website and they think they are applying for disability benefits. In reality they are only providing information to an attorney or representative that they do not even know. This can cause problems for the Claimant especially when they believe they have applied but in fact they haven’t.
If you have any concerns that you have provided information to an attorney site instead of SSA by mistake, call your local SSA office. See if they have your claim on file and that your file is in proper order. When seeking Free Consultation with a Disability Lawyer, it is best to call by phone and insist on speaking with a real Disability Lawyer about your SSD or SSI claim. We have provided our readers with a link to the Social Security Website where you can file your online application below.
You can file your application on the Social Security Administration website HERE. But remember, you must contact your local Social Security Office to file for SSI. You should discuss all of this during your first Free Consultation with a Disability Attorney.
Whether you apply in person at the local SSA office, by phone, or online, before you do so, you should call and speak with a disability lawyer at Social Security Professionals for a Free Consultation and tips on how to properly pursue your claim. Our Consultation is always Free.
Call a Qualified Disability Lawyer for a Free Consultation if your Application is Denied
Keep in mind that most people are denied disability on their application. If you receive a denial, consult with a Disability Lawyer right away for free to discuss your options. Do not be discouraged as you have a right to appeal your denial. The first Appeal is call a “Request from Reconsideration” and we can do that for you. Your next appeal is called a “Request for Hearing.” A hearing is often your best chance of winning your disability claim. Do not go to a disability hearing without a Social Security Disability Lawyer.
If you take advantage of a Free Consultation provided by a Disability Lawyer at Social Security Professionals, we can advise you how we can file your disability appeal for you and prepare your case for your future hearing. You pay nothing for our Free Consultation and if you formally hire us, we are paid on a percentage basis only if you win. Consequently, you will never need a penny to hire a Disability Lawyer at Social Security Professionals.
Call a Disability Denial Appeal Lawyer for a Free Consultation if you have received a denial of SSD, SSDI, SSI, Retirement, Survivors, Disability or Supplemental Security Income benefits, called a “Notice of Disapproved Claim”. Call a Disability Lawyer for a Free Consultation to appeal your denial.
Call A Top Disability Lawyer to Handle Your Social Security Disability Appeal
If you file your application yourself or through a Disability Lawyer, you should receive a decision after several months. Most applications result in denial. This does not mean you should give up. You should immediately call a Top Disability Lawyer to handle your appeal.
If your Application is Denied, We can appeal by Filing Your Request for Reconsideration While You Stay Home
If your application is denied, the first level of appeal is called a Request for Reconsideration which we can explain to you during our Free Consultation. We can file a Request for Reconsideration electronically for you while you stay home. We should receive a decision after a few months.
We Can Appeal a Request for Reconsideration Denial by Requesting a Hearing
The appeal is formally called a “Request for Hearing.” The Social Security rules only allow a limited number of days to file your appeal and if you miss your deadline, you must start over form the beginning. Call Social Security Professionals for a Free Consultation to appeal your Reconsideration denial at once.
Time Limits for Appeals
If you receive a denial at any step in the process, call our office immediately for a Free Consultation with an experienced Disability Lawyer. You must appeal your denial within 60 days from the date on your denial letter. SSA will allow an additional 5 days to allow for mail delivery delays. Accordingly, you have 60 + 5 = 65 days to appeal from the date on your denial letter. Although you may wish to handle your application yourself, you should let a qualified Disability Lawyer handle your appeal.
What is a Disability Hearing all about?
After your appeal is filed, SSA will send your file to a Hearing Office and you will subsequently be scheduled for a hearing in front of an Administrative Law Judge.
Do Not Be Intimidated by the Thought of Appearing At Disability Hearing
A Disability Hearing may sound intimidating to some, but many Judges are often very skilled at making you feel at ease as you testify. Likewise, your disability attorney at Social Security Professionals will have already filed a detailed hearing brief and will have prepared you well for your hearing. The hearing is the best opportunity you have to win your case. Your file and you will both be well prepared for your hearing when you choose Social Security Professionals as your Disability Lawyers.
After filing the Request for Hearing, it will take approximately 12 months or more before your hearing will be scheduled by the Hearing Office. You should use that 12 plus months to your advantage and we can discuss that during our strategy consultations. If you have dire need such as a house foreclosure or you are being evicted, we can ask that your hearing be held sooner by making a request for an expedited hearing based upon dire need.
The hearing offices were previously called ODAR Offices which stood for Office of Disability Adjudication and Review. Social Security changed the name to OHO which stands for Office of Hearings Operations. You should not be surprised or confused if you still see the old name on correspondence and notices sent to you by SSA, at least for a while.
Are Disability Hearings Held In Courtrooms?
Many people believe Social Security and SSI hearings are held in Courtrooms at Court Buildings. Actually, the disability hearings are held in office buildings in very low-key settings.
The location of your appeal hearing OHO office will depend upon the location of your residence. For example, the Oak Park and Livonia OHO offices handle Social Security Disability Appeal Hearings for cities such as Pontiac and Warren, Clawson, Roseville, Southfield, Sterling Heights, Livonia, Waterford, Redford, Pontiac, Farmington, Farmington Hills, Ann Arbor, and Inkster, to name a few. The Detroit OHO office handles Social Security Disability Appeal Hearings for Dearborn and Wyandotte, Taylor, Inkster, Hamtramck, the downriver area, and other areas surrounding Detroit. You can find your hearing office with contact information HERE.
Why Should I Call a Disability Lawyer for a Free Consultation at Social Security Professionals?
No matter where you reside, your disability attorney at Social Security Professionals can provide Free Consultation and Advice and effectively assist you with your Social Security Disability application, your hearing, and the filing of any appeals. Call Social Security Professionals to speak for free with a Disability Lawyer about handling your application or disability hearing. We receive a percentage fee only if you win. There are no attorney fees if you lose.
Why should you hire a Disability Lawyer from Social Security Professionals over other firms? During our first Free Consultation, our Disability Lawyers can provide valuable Free Advice and actually teach you a number of things that you will need to know to help win your claim at no cost to you.
We are not a mill and we don’t accept every claim. You must be unable to sustain employment as a result of a medically determinable mental or physical impairment. We take only legitimate cases and Judges are aware of that. We look for good quality disability cases but we have been known to take on and win tough cases that other firms have rejected. Your first Free Consultation with a Disability Attorney at our office will help us determine whether we can win your SSD or SSI case.
Many firms reject Claimants at the initial consultation who are young or under 50. Although the disability standard becomes easier to meet as you get older, Disability Attorneys at Social Security Professionals repeatedly prove you can be disabled from all work at any age. Hence, we often represent and win cases for younger individuals and even child claims that other firms will not touch.
You are not a number at Social Security Professionals. Social Security disability cases are not just our highest priority, they are our ONLY priority. We only handle disability cases. Consequently, when you consult with and hire our office, you will receive the best Social Security Disability Lawyer for your specific situation.
The best Social Security Lawyers are not necessarily the high volume advertisers. To the contrary, some disability firms take on so many cases that it is difficult to imagine how they are able to devote adequate time and consideration to each individual case.
Some disability firms advertise about their very high 6 and 7 figure settlements and awards they obtained on personal injury cases. Social Security Attorneys only receive a maximum attorney fee of $7,200.00 on each case they win. So, if you hire a firm that handles both Social Security and Personal Injury cases, you can imagine where their priorities lie. It’s not likely that they will assign their most experienced attorneys to a $7,200.00 Social Security attorney fee case. You should not be surprised if a very young and inexperienced attorney or even non-attorney who you have never met or talked with appears at your hearing to represent you knowing little to nothing about your case while the firm’s more experienced attorneys handle the larger more lucrative personal injury cases.
At Social Security Professionals, we only handle disability cases. This means that our best Disability Lawyers handle only disability SSD SSI cases. We prepare your case for success right from the first Free Consultation. Unlike other firms, there are no inexperienced attorneys at Social Security Professionals. Your disability lawyer will have a minimum of 30+ years of experience winning Social Security Disability cases. If you have another type of case such as Personal Injury, Malpractice, Workers Compensation, or any other legal issues, we can provide names of the best lawyers who concentrate in those other areas as well so that you’ll always have the best attorney for your particular situation.
Yes, you can handle your disability application yourself. The disability application is long but simple and it asks for information within your own knowledge such as the names and addresses of your doctors, your work history, and the medications you are taking. Most Claimants should file for both SSD and SSI. You don’t have to hire a disability lawyer to apply. However, you should discuss a case strategy with a disability attorney before you apply or as soon as possible thereafter. You can call Social Security Professionals for a Free Consultation 24/7 regarding your disability claim.
Always Call for a Free Consultation with an Experienced Disability Lawyer for Help with your Daily Activities Report
WARNING: As stated in our Application discussion above, never attempt to answer the FUNCTION REPORT – ADULT questionnaire without first discussing it with a disability lawyer. During a Free Consultation, our office can provide you with Free Advice so that you can avoid the pitfalls contained in this questionnaire that SSA will use against you. Many disability firms will tell you to complete it yourself. Other firms will have a secretary or assistant help you complete it. They have neve been to a hearing before and have no business helping your with such an important document. Always have a REAL Disability Lawyer help your complete the Activities Questionnaire.
Most Social Security Administrative Law Judges require you to file a “hearing brief” prior to your hearing. When selecting a Disability Attorney, you should inquire during your initial Free Consultation as to the attorney’s stance regarding prehearing briefs.
The Best Disability Lawyers Prepare Detailed Hearing Briefs To Help You Win Your Disability Hearing
A hearing brief presents arguments in your favor based upon Social Security Disability Laws. It takes years and many hearings to learn how to file an effective winning brief. Some firms don’t submit briefs which is a mistake. Our Free Advice to you is to avoid any firm who sounds as though they don’t concentrate on their hearing briefs.
There is no good reason for failing to file a hearing brief. Failing to submit a brief forces the Judge to do extra work that your attorney should have done and reduces the likelihood of an unfavorable decision, not because your claim is bad, but simply because your attorney is lazy. Some firms file very short briefs just for the sake of being able to say they filed a brief yet their brief tells the Judge little or nothing about why you cannot work.
When hiring a Disability Lawyer, you have the right to inquire in depth during a Free Consultation as to the time and effort and even number of pages your attorney typically devotes to a hearing brief. A hearing brief is simply that important to not take seriously. You should take it seriously and you should be satisfied through consultation that your attorney will take it seriously also. If he or she doesn’t take the hearing brief seriously, do not hire them.
Discuss the Importance of A Hearing Brief during your Free Consultation With a Disability Lawyer
At Social Security Professionals, your disability attorney will not only prepare a very detailed hearing brief for your hearing supported by hundreds and sometimes thousands of pages of medical records on your behalf, but we will provide a copy of it to you to read several days in advance of your hearing so that you will have a better understanding of your case and the hearing process. Your hearing brief will contain citations to medical evidence, Impairment Listings, and Medical Vocational Guidelines, The Grids, and will provide everything the Judge needs to approve your claim. Not surprisingly, Judges often thank us and compliment us for the high quality hearing briefs we file which ultimately helps to create less work for the Judge and makes it easier for the Judge to decide your case in your favor. A Social Security Disability Judge even suggested that A+ Rated Disability Lawyer Donald Peters teach other Disability Lawyers how to write a brief.
Most disability applications are denied. This means that you will likely attend a hearing in the future. Consequently, it is important that you have a Free Consultation about the hearing with a Disability Lawyer even before you apply, if possible, so that you can prepare for your hearing from day one.
When you go to your disability appeal hearing, the Social Security Administration will have Medical and or Vocational experts who may testify against you. After an expert testifies that there are several jobs that you can perform, you will be given the opportunity to cross examine the expert. Can you effectively cross examine a Vocational or Medical Expert who testifies against you? The Vocational or Medical Experts would likely have an unfair advantage over you.
If you cannot do an adequate job at your hearing, you will most likely lose. If you can do an effective job at cross examining the Vocational or Medical Experts and you can present relevant evidence in a proper manner, you will be proving to the Judge that you are capable of working and you will likely lose your hearing.
The assistance of an Attorney is crucial for effective hearing preparation and hearing performance. If you appear at your hearing without an attorney, the Judge will tell you very clearly on the record that he or she will adjourn the hearing for you so that you can hire an attorney. Most claimants will ask to adjourn. Some will proceed with the hearing without an attorney and most of them are sorry later when they receive their Unfavorable Decision with no understanding as to what happened at the hearing or how they lost. Don’t waste your time and don’t end up sorry. Consult with and hire an experienced Disability Lawyer to handle your hearing for you. Call Social Security Professionals and speak for free with a Disability Lawyer 24/7.
Some law firms do not reveal during their Free Consultation that they simply will not appeal after they lose your hearing. This is an injustice to the Client who is left out in the cold and is forced to look for a new disability lawyer to appeal his or her Unfavorable Hearing decision. Attorneys can only appeal on the record that the prior unsuccessful attorney or non-attorney representative created. Consequently, many attorneys are reluctant to inherit the failures of the prior attorney or representative which ultimately leaves the Claimant without an attorney.
The lesson here is that before you hire your attorney, make sure your attorney will file an appeal if you lose your hearing. Inquire during your Free Consultation as to whether your prospective disability firm appeals Unfavorable Hearing Decisions. If they don’t, do not hire them.
Unlike some other disability firms, the disability lawyers at Social Security Professionals will appeal an unfavorable decision as you will learn during our Free Consultation. Our hearing briefs are so thorough and well written that if you receive an unfavorable decision or denial of benefits, we are ready to appeal because our hearing brief is equivalent to an appeal brief and we have already performed the necessary work to file the appeal. If a Social Security firm does not appeal unfavorable hearing decisions, it is likely because they don’t adequately prepare the case for a hearing in the first place. Our Free Advice to you in that regard is to avoid those firms.
At Social Security Professionals, we believe that the best Social Security Lawyers gratuitously offer Free Consultation and Advice, prepare detailed hearing briefs, thoroughly prepare Claimants for their hearings, cross-examine unfriendly government witnesses, offer relevant evidence at Social Security hearings, file appeals following unfavorable hearing decisions, and even file suit in Federal Court if necessary. You are not a number at Social Security Professionals. Your case will be handled by our best disability lawyer for your individual case. We treat your case like it is our only case and we do not make a penny if you lose.
Whether your case is an Adult or Child Social Security Disability Insurance (SSD) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) claim, you can speak with a Disability Attorney for free at Social Security Professionals in Michigan simply by calling us 24/7 at (248) 549-3485. Best of all, our Disability Lawyers always provide Free Consultation and there is no money required to hire us.
Once retained, we will insure the proper handling of your application, request for hearing, and any necessary appeals. The sooner you involve an attorney in your claim, the sooner we can begin to properly prove and protect your right to disability benefits and develop an appropriate case strategy based upon your individual situation and limitations. Our fee will be a small percentage of past due benefits sent directly to us from the Social Security Administration only if you win. It costs you nothing to learn whether you have a viable disability claim as our Disability Consultation is always Free.
Other firms may require you to reimburse them for costs such as the cost of medical records which can cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars. The best way to eliminate that problem is to utilize a Michigan Statute that forbids medical providers from charging indigent patients for medical records. See MEDICAL RECORDS ACCESS ACT MCL 333.26269. By using the Act, we are able to obtain medical records for you for free. If we successfully utilize the Act, you will never have to pay for medical records when you choose Social Security Professionals as your Disability Attorneys.

Call Top Rated Disability Lawyer Donald Peters with the Highest A+ Rating from the Better Business Bureau for a Free Consultation regarding your SSDI SSI Disability Claim.