Can You Really Get A Free Disability Lawyer for Your Social Security Disability Case?
In essence, Social Security Professionals provides you with a Free Disability Lawyer with the highest A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau to provide Free Advice and Consultation and services at crucial steps to help win your Social Security Disability and SSI claims.
We charge a percentage fee when you formally hire us and only if we win your claim. However, we provide several services for free prior to retention to help you win your disability case.
Some firms deceptively promise free services for disability claims to make you think that you are actually getting a free disability lawyer. In reality, however, the first firm doesn’t charge you so that they can say that their services are free. However, the first firm in the chain will refer you to another disability firm. The second disability firm, not the first, will charge you. In the confusion, you may actually become obligated to pay for disability representation without even realizing it. Be careful.
Do Long Term Disability Insurers Really Provide Free Disability Lawyers?
Some people apply for Long Term Disability (LTD) with their employers. The Long Term Disability representative will contact you and urge you to apply for Social Security Disability. They will tell you that you have a duty to apply for SSD under the LTD contract. They will tell you that they will provide you with a Free Disability Lawyer.
Are they really Free Disability Lawyers? No. Often, they are not even lawyers. Aside from that, however, the “free” disability attorney or representative is not really free as explained below.
Long Term Disability Insurers Do Not Really Provide Free Disability Lawyers
When you hire a real Disability Lawyer, the Disability Lawyer will charge a percentage of your past due benefits only if you win. As of the time of this article, that can be up to $7,200.00. But you pay nothing if you lose.
If you instead accept the so-called “free disability representative” provided to you by the Long Term Disability insurer, does the $7,200.00 that you would have paid a real disability lawyer go back into your pocket? No. The $7,200.00 they tell you that you saved by using their “free” disability representative does not go into your pocket. Instead, the $7,200.00 you think you saved in attorney fees goes into the pocket of the Long Term Disability Insurer. That is one reason why they try to convince you to use their so-called “free” disability representative. Don’t be fooled.
Will a So-Called “Free Disability Attorney” or Representative Provided to You by The Long Term Disability Insurer Provide You With The Best Representation For Your Social Security Disability Case?
You decide. The Long Term Disability Insurer tries to take back money that they paid you. They do this by taking it out of your Social Security Disability money that you are entitled to. They hire and provide the disability representative to you for your Social Security Disability claim. The disability representative they provide you is actually paid for and working for the Long Term Disability Insurer. The Long Term Disability Insurer does not want to pay you Long Term Disability benefits.
Your right to Social Security Disability benefits as well as your right to Long term disability benefits will be best protected by an attorney of your own choosing hired by you. You do not want the attorney or representative from the insurance company pretending to represent you on your Social Security Disability claim. They typically receive a flat fee from the Long Term Disability insurer. Their loyalty is to the insurance company, not you. Don’t be fooled by their promise that they will provide you with a free Social Security Disability lawyer. You are actually paying for it out of your Social Security Disability benefits and the attorney they provide you may have little if any incentive to win your case. Worst of all, you don’t even get to choose your disability lawyer. If you actually pay for a disability lawyer or representative under either scenario, you should pay for one that you choose. You shouldn’t pay for a representative chosen by the disability insurance company that wants to deny your Long Term Disability benefits.
When you hire your own disability lawyer, he or she will receive a small percentage fee if you win but nothing if you lose. Consequently, the disability attorney that you hire yourself has an incentive to win your disability case.
What Free Services Can I expect from a Disability Lawyer?
Although we can file your Disability Application or your Disability Appeal for you if you really desire for us to do so, the Application is really very simple. You can file your application or appeal yourself and a disability attorney from our office, not a secretary or paralegal, can show you how for free. This can save you up to $7,200.00 in attorney fees.
Ironically, many firms that insist that you hire them before they’ll help you with your application actually provide you with a secretary or paralegal, not an attorney. The secretary or paralegal who helps you has never even been to a Social Security Disability Hearing before. Consequently, they don’t even know what it takes to win your case. Even though a secretary or paralegal will assist you, however, they will still charge you attorney fees.
Will a Free Disability Lawyer Help Me Complete The Disability Activities Questionnaire?
During the application process, Social Security will always ask you to complete a questionnaire that asks you all about your daily activities. It is called the FUNCTION REPORT – ADULT and you can VIEW IT HERE. This is the most important document in the entire application process. Social Security never uses it to grant benefits. Social Security only uses the Adult Function Report to deny benefits.
Can I Answer The Disability Activities Questionnaire Myself?
The questionnaire looks very simple and straight forward. However, NEVER, NEVER, answer the Adult Function Report by yourself. Always seek assistance from an experienced disability lawyer, not a secretary or paralegal. A poorly worded answer to the Adult Function Report will stick with you throughout the entire disability application and appeal process. It can literally destroy your case. Remember, Social Security only uses the Adult Function Report Activities Questionnaire for one purpose, to deny your claim. You need help with this questionnaire.
What If My Disability Attorney or Representative Tells Me To Complete the Disability Activities Questionnaire Myself?
Many Social Security Disability firms will not help you complete the activities questionnaire called the Adult Function Report. Why? It takes time and work. They have too many files to devote proper time to yours. Or, they simply may not have the experience to know any better. There is no excuse for an attorney’s failure to assist you with the Adult Function Report. Quite frankly, if the disability firm chooses not to assist you with this questionnaire, they will be committing an unforgivable mistake. You should fire them immediately. Call a Top Rated Social Security Disability firm such as ours that will help you complete the Adult Function Report for Free.
Social Security Professionals Provides Free Assistance With the Disability Activities Questionnaire
At Social Security Professionals, we routinely provide a Free Disability Lawyer with the Highest A+ Rating from the Better Business Bureau to help you complete your Adult Function Report Activities questionnaire. We will do this for free even before you hire us. Why? Because it is so important to properly complete the form to protect your right to disability benefits that you have worked for.
How Can I Speak With A Free Disability Lawyer at Social Security Professionals?
At Social Security Professionals, we will be provide you with a Free Disability Lawyer with the Highest A+ Rating from the Better Business Bureau. We will help you win your Social Security Disability Claim for free at various steps of the application and appeal process.
When it becomes necessary to actually enter the process, we will do so. We will provide you with a fee agreement that provides for a percentage attorney fee only if you win but absolutely no fee if you lose. Until we enter into such an arrangement, however, we will help you for free with the application and appeal process including the Adult Function Report.
Call for a Free Consultation with A+ Rated Disability Lawyer Donald Peters at Social Security Professionals. (248) 549-3485 – FREE CONSULTATION