Find The Best Disability Lawyer for Your SSD and SSI Claims
How can you find the Best Disability Lawyer? You need a Free Consultation with the Best Disability Lawyer available with the highest A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau. Inexperience is not an option. Do not settle on a firm whose best attorneys handle other high-stake matters such as personal injury. Select a firm that handles only SSD and SSI so that their top attorneys are their best Disability Lawyers.
Get Free Help With Your SSD/SSI Disability Application From the Best Disability Lawyer
Find the best Disability Lawyer for your particular claim. Some Claimants cannot read or write. Some mental or physical conditions make it difficult for some individuals to apply. Consequently, we can file your disability application for you if you wish, but some Claimants prefer to file their applications themselves. The best Disability SSD and SSI Lawyers and successful Claimants agree that involving the Claimant helps prepare the Claimant to ultimately win their disability hearing.
At our office, we can file your application for you or you can file it yourself. Even if you wish to file it yourself, we can guide you so that you don’t make mistakes. We can give you free advice on how to file your application. This is a courtesy that the best disability attorneys perform for disabled individuals seeking disability benefits. Unlike other disability law firms, we actually do provide you with a free disability lawyer to assist you during the disability application process if you apply yourself. But, we can always complete the application for you if you desire. Either way, we do not turn you over to a secretary or an assistant to assist with your application. You will always deal with a top disability lawyer when consulting our disability office.
The Best Disability Lawyers Prepare From the Beginning to Win Your Disability Hearing
The Best Disability Lawyers are skilled at winning disability hearings. Most Social Security Disability and SSI Claimants are denied benefits within a few months of filing their original applications. This means that in order to prevail, most Claimants will one day have to win their claims at a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge. Consequently, your goal should be to pursue your case with the intent of winning a hearing with a top Disability Lawyer. You want the best Disability Lawyer to handle your claim who has handled thousands of disability hearings. A disability attorney who has won thousands of SSD/SSI disability cases at hearings increases your chances of winning your disability hearing. Likewise, a top disability lawyer with a reputation for winning the tough cases at hearings will increase your chances of winning even prior to going to a hearing. The Social Security Administration knows who the winners are.
Experience is of Highest Importance When Finding Top Best Disability Lawyer for Your SSD/SSI Disability Claim
How do you find the best Disability Lawyer? Hard work and years of experience in the disability arena are qualities found among the best Disability Lawyers. If you find a young attorney who has not been out of law school for very long, they likely do not have as much experience as an older attorney who has been around for a while. Likewise, if you find an attorney who practices several different areas of law, he or she will likely have less experience in any one area.
Some firms advertise that their attorneys have so many years combined experience. Sometimes, they do this by adding up the collective years of experience of all the attorneys in their office to make it look like they have many years of experience. They may have 10 attorneys in their office with only 3 years of experience. They add up all attorneys and claim they have 30 years of experience. Don’t be fooled by those marketing ploys.
At our disability office, Disability Lawyer Donald Peters alone has over 36 years of experience winning Social Security SSD SSDI and SSI cases at all levels including application, appeals, reconsideration, hearings, Appeals Council Reviews, and Federal Court litigation.
Inexperience does not win disability cases and our office does not use inexperienced attorneys. Donald Peters is a highly experienced disability lawyer with the highest A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau. He has been called the “most prepared” attorney by disability Judges. Mr. Peters has been asked by a hearing Judge to appear at a seminar to teach other disability lawyers how to properly write a disability hearing brief.
Call for a Free Consultation to Find the Best Lawyer For Your Disability Claim
Free Consultation with a top Disability Lawyer early in the process is one of the best ways to maximize your likelihood of prevailing on your initial disability application or at your hearing. And, you should use your Free Consultation to determine whether the disability firm you are speaking with has the best Disability Lawyer for your specific needs.
When you call a disability firm, ask questions, lots of questions, during your free consultation. If they can’t or simply don’t take the time to answer your questions so that you understand 100%, then that is not the firm for you. Call somewhere else. Call several firms before you make your decision on who is the best attorney for you to hire.
Although many disability firms will say you need an attorney to apply, this is simply not true. If they tell you this, you can bet they do not have the best Disability Lawyers available. The best Disability Attorneys typically do not like to spend their time completing an application that the Claimant can do his or herself. Instead, the best Disability Lawyers would rather devote their time and efforts to more complex issues that the Claimant will not be able to accomplish. On the other hand, however, we don’t want you to make any mistakes on your application that could jeopardize your claim. That is why we will always file your application for you with our best disability attorney if you would rather not do it yourself.
At Social Security Professionals, we believe the very best Disability Lawyers should devote their time and efforts preparing hearing and appeal briefs and preparing Claimants for their hearings. Although we can prepare and file your application for you, many Claimants like to do that themselves and we remain available to the Claimant for Free Advice and Free Consultation. That is what the best Disability Lawyers do.
The best Disability Attorneys handle the complex issues that Claimants are not trained to handle. Top Disability Attorneys will encourage the Claimant to stay involved with their case. Successful Claimants who ultimately win their cases always agree that their involvement with their own application helped them learn the process and helped prepare them to understand and win their disability hearing.
The application does not involve any legal knowledge. True, the application and various forms are long and time consuming, but simple. The Social Security Administration wants to know why you can’t work, what conditions you suffer, the names addresses and phone numbers of your treating physicians and mental health professionals, your work history, and the medications you take and side effects from them, if any. All of the above information is within your own knowledge and it makes little or no sense for you to pay an attorney who will have a secretary or assistant take that information from you and relay it to the Social Security Administration and then charge an attorney fee. That does not happen when you speak with the best SSD SSDI or SSI attorney at our office. If you need us to file your application, you will not be passed off to a secretary.
Whether you apply yourself or you want us to apply for you, you will always have the best disability lawyer with the highest A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau guiding you and/or applying for you when you call our office.
Never Answer the Disability Activities Questionnaire Without Help From a Top Disability Lawyer
Beware of the FUNCTION REPORT – ADULT. It is a 8-9 page daily activities questionnaire that you will be asked by SSA to complete during the application process. Call our office to speak with a Top Disability Lawyer to help complete the Adult Function Report activities questionnaire.
Some attorneys do not recognize the significance of this questionnaire and simply tell the Claimant to complete it themselves. Other attorneys, let a secretary or assistant who has never seen a disability hearing help you with it. This is a serious mistake and not one made by the best available disability lawyers.
The questionnaire is so important, that we have posted a warning about it multiple times in this website. Good disability Lawyers will never let you answer this by yourself. It is the single most important document you will complete because it can be fatal to your claim if not completed carefully and accurately. Do not attempt to answer it without a disability attorney’s advice. Call Social Security Professionals for a Free Consultation to discuss completion of this document.
Even though you do not need an attorney to file your application, you should always speak with a top disability lawyer as soon as you can, preferably before you apply so that you can map out a coherent game plan designed to ultimately win your Social Security Hearing. In other words, you must begin working on winning your hearing even before you apply. The more organized you can present your claim, the easier it is for a Judge to decide in your favor.
You will need an experienced disability lawyer who has handled thousands of hearings in order to do this. You can call Social Security Professionals at any time for a Free Consultation to discuss your case strategy. You want to speak with a real disability attorney, not a secretary, or assistant who has never seen a hearing. When you call a disability lawyer at Social Security Professionals to discuss your case, you will never be pushed off to a legal assistant or secretary. You will only discuss your case with the attorney who will ultimately handle your hearing.
Is a Disability “Representative” or “Advocate” the Same as an Attorney?
No! You can hire a non-attorney representative often referred to as a “representative” or “advocate”. Or, you can hire an attorney. Disability “representatives” or “advocates” are not attorneys and have no license although they may not want you to know this. Ironically, these non-attorneys charge attorney fees even though they are not attorneys.
Interestingly, many people hire representatives or advocates believing they are hiring a licensed attorney when, in fact, they are not. Just about anybody can claim to be a representative or advocate. Although non-attorney representatives and advocates are allowed to handle Social Security claims, their backgrounds differ significantly from licensed attorneys in various respects. There is no advantage to hiring an advocate or representative but there can be a significant downside.
Advocates or representatives need little to no formal education or training and they are not regulated by State Bar Associations. If an attorney mishandles your case, the State Bar could literally take the attorney’s license away. If an advocate or representative mishandles your case, the State Bar cannot take that representative or advocate’s license because he or she doesn’t have a license to begin with.
Attorneys have numerous obstacles to overcome before they can be a licensed attorney. Attorneys have to graduate from College and then apply to and be accepted into Law School. Many Law School applicants are rejected. A prospective attorney will have to successfully graduate from law school but many fail in that regard and never become Attorneys. Even after graduating from Law School, the law student must pass a two day long State Bar Exam and pass an ethics background check in order to become a licensed attorney. Some would-be attorneys fail their Bar Exam and never become Attorneys. Consequently, if they wish to represent disability Claimants, they would have to do so in the capacity of a representative or advocate.
Before hiring an attorney, make sure that he or she is indeed a real licensed attorney in good standing. Likewise, make sure that your prospective attorney is the Best Disability Attorney for your particular needs.
In addition to the above, attorneys have had formal training during Law School and seminars in the art of direct and cross examination of witnesses and other trial techniques. Attorneys are able to appear in court and further develop trial skills. Simply stated, Attorneys are trained through formal education, continuing education, and through court experience to represent clients during an adversarial process. In the context of a Social Security Disability Hearing, attorneys are well prepared through years of education and training to battle SSA and expert witnesses who may testify against you so that you don’t have to. Ironically, non-attorney representatives charge attorney fees even though they are not attorneys. If you are going to pay attorney fees, it would make sense to hire a real Attorney. You don’t want any attorney, however. The most desirable and best Disability Lawyers will have years of experience preparing hearing and appeal briefs, winning hearings, and winning appeals. Finally, if your case ends up in a court of law such as Federal District Court on appeal, you should know that non-attorneys cannot appear in court, only attorneys can.
Why Call Social Security Professionals to Win Your Disability Claim?
Social Security Professionals uses only the best disability lawyers to help win your claim. We do not use inexperienced attorneys nor do we push you off to secretaries or assistants who have never even seen a disability hearing.
Top Disability Lawyer Donald Peters frequently receives praise from Disability Judges for his highly detailed winning hearing briefs. In fact, Mr. Peters has been referred to by Judges as the “most prepared disability lawyer.” Mr. Peters has been asked by a disability Judge to teach other disability lawyers how to write an effective disability hearing brief. Other disability Lawyers often seek Mr. Peters’ advice on disability cases. In light of numerous major victories and quality representation, it is no surprise that Mr. Peters has obtained the Highest A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau.
You can call Mr. Peters any time for a Free Consultation. Mr. Peters provides many disability services for free. If it becomes necessary to hire Mr. Peters to win you disability claim, please know that you need no money to hire Mr. Peters. Mr. Peters receives only a small percentage of past due benefits as his fee only if you win. Mr. Peters receives nothing if you lose.
Call for a Free Consultation to find the Best Disability Lawyer for you and to maximize your chance of winning your SSD SSI and disability claims. (248) 549-3485. FREE CONSULTATION. Best Disability Lawyers.
Call for a Free Consultation with Disability Lawyer Donald Peters with the Best A+ Rating from the Better Business Bureau. (248) 549-3485. Best Disability Lawyer.